Dos Puentes Elementary School
185 Wadsworth Ave, New York, NY 10033, United States
Dos Puentes Elementary School is a Spanish / English Dual Language Public Primary School in Washington Heights, New York City, Manhattan district. Each degree consists of three classrooms, one accompanied by an integrated collaborative teaching model for serving children with varying learning. They are a global group of children and families from over 25 countries.
Staff are at the very core of the school’s mission. In both Spanish and English, both teachers are bilingual. They also built a workforce composed of seasoned teachers and new teachers. All the staff work together to meet the different needs and strengths of our students, our curricula, and the overall school development.
There are four teachers in each grade. More than one adult helping children is normal in most classrooms. Paraprofessionals, interns and teachers are all active in supporting the project. They hire quite a number of support workers, including a social worker, a consultant and a selection of teaching professionals. They have a music instructor, a dance teacher and a resident artist in our community. We are vital for our community. They also have a department of full science and a full-time professor of physical education.
- Promote full bilingualism, biliteracy, and multiculturalism for everyone.
- Collaborate with families in the education of their children.
- Use inquiry and hands-on learning opportunities to guide our learning.
- Partner with Teachers College, Columbia University, and City College of New York and other universities to support ongoing learning and research for students and teachers.