P.S. 158 Bayard Taylor School
1458 York Ave, New York, NY 10075, United States
P.S. 158 (Public School # 158) is a public primary school in New York City called Bayard Taylor School. The school is situated in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. It opened first in the middle of the 1890s. Between 78th and 78th Street, the school building occupies all of York Avenue.
The school records some of New York City ‘s highest test scores. It is therefore recognized as one of New York City’s best colleges. The school was one of the first in the city to follow very strict teaching standards in the 1990s that were developed nationally. A degree or a higher of 88 percent of teachers. In 2010, 96% of fifth grade students completed state and city testing in English and mathematics in or above the benchmarks. The mascot of the School is the owl, maybe not one of the old icons of wisdom coincidentally.
PS 158 is an educational community dedicated to the excellence of academics. The school community shares the conviction that, together, it enables every child’s strengths and talents to grow their own intellectual, academic and creative leadership capabilities, through various possibilities and tools. As responsible life-long learners, children and adults are fully engaged in the school environment.
Academic Policy
In PS 158, they maintain a fair classification policy which accurately represents the performance levels of each student in accordance with the NYS Common Core Learning Standards. The degree policy explains how and when students receive input on their knowledge and knowledge of content. By monitoring student academic success and class performancing, each degree tests performance in each subject area.
Grades represent the comprehension and control of the content of students, their progress through the subject and their mastery at certain periods of time. Grades represent a combination of the work of class, assignments, writing, evaluation, reflection and involvement in each field.
Academic Standards
At PS 158 students will display their comprehension and mastery of skills by several measures of success in a subject area. The New York state common core academic principles are in accordance to our tests, class projects, presentations and courses. Student work is a vital way for teachers to evaluate materials for students and provide the instructor with the opportunity for knowledge and design preparation.
Teachers often offer positive input on student work and take more action to help students better understand each other. From frequency and particular evaluations, the grades and rubrics are defined.