Yung Wing Elementary School
40 Division St, New York, NY 10002, United States
Situated just a stone’s throw from the Manhattan Bridge its community is made up of families from the immediate vicinity as well as from other parts of District 2. The Yung Wing School’s mission is to help students achieve their full potential as productive, caring and knowledgeable human beings through a rigorous, extensive education tailored to their unique needs and abilities.
PS 124 The Yung Wing School has trained a significant number of students for years. The school currently provides general education, talented and integrated co-teaching courses on all kindergartens through the fifth grade. Our school also hosts pre-school classes for full days.
Academic Curriculum
PS 124 offers students hands-on opportunities to engage in problem solving. Students are encouraged to observe patterns, evaluate findings, and draw conclusions. Students of any age learn to interact with each other in the school.
- Literacy – P.S. 124 employs a holistic approach to reading and writing teaching. As students develop their skills in becoming independent readers and authors, they obtain various levels of support. Using the Lecture and Writing Units of the Teacher’s college, students undertake authentic children’s literature, both self-selected and doctoral studies. By taking their writings through the writing process , students improve their understanding and appreciation for several types of genres.
- Mathematics – PS 124 uses Number, Data and Space for the 3rd edition of investigations. Their realistic curriculum provides students with rich opportunities, as firm believers in constructivist education, to collaborate with peers to create meaning for mathematics. The program involves games in order to improve concepts and fluidity.
- Science – Curious observers are the youngest students. PS 124’s science program draws on this inherent interest to teach life and physical sciences to students.
- Social Studies – The study of our culture and our history is social studies. Connection with the lives of students is an important aspect of PS 124’s social studies theory. Students of the youngest grade research families, our local neighborhood, area, cultural studies and the history of New York. School trips take students to the historical and cultural institutions surrounding us in New York City, getting them out of school.